The Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP) on Friday concluded five (5) days training on Gender Mainstreaming    and Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS). The 5 days intensive exercise started on the 17th April, 2023 at the Mokonde Campus of Njala University.

Technical and field extension staff of the project and those of the Ministry acquired skills on gender mainstreaming and Gender Action Learning System (GALS) principles and methodology which are key in implementing IFAD supported projects hence the training enables the participants to increase their understanding in monitoring and integrating the concept of gender equality among the Farmers. The methodology is flexible and will be cascaded to the beneficiary farmers at the farmer field schools (FFS) at the community level using symbols and signs.

Project Manager of AVDP, Monica Kwame-Greene informed the participants that the training is crucial in achieving the key objective of the project and therefore encouraged the staff to ensure that the: knowledge is rolled out to help transform the mindset of our farmers. She stated that the concept wass infused in to the FFSs so that beneficiaries will access the knowledge at their door step which will empower especially the women to realize their potentials in doing farming as a business. The participatory approach emphasized the concept of Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Based Violence, Women’s Empowerment and Development, Gender policies, Gender Challenges and limitations.

The GALS methodology is an import indicator for achieving Gender equality, equity, women’s empowerment, financial literacy and stability as well as having a healthy and productive lifestyle. That is why IFAD is promoting the concept to be part of the AVDP intervention strategy. Since the inception of AVDP in 2019, more than five thousand (5,000) farming households have received the Gender and GALS training across the AVDP intervention communities in Sierra Leone.