In a bid to evaluate the progress made during the first and second quarters and to outline strategies for the remaining third and fourth quarters, the Agriculture Value Chain Development Project in Sierra Leone recently organized a comprehensive two-day Annual Work...
Domestic conflicts and grievances are usually common within and among project implementation communities. It usually emanates from land-related disputes, other property ownership complexities, beneficiary targeting criteria, leadership, and other related factors....
The Agriculture Value Chain Development project has introduced a Knowledge Management System to inform partners, donors, and other key stakeholders on real-time information including feedback on project implementation to ensure visibility, adequate public information,...
The importation of bulb onion is gradually reducing as farmers in Port Loko and Koinadugu districts are ensuring that locally produced onion varieties are being properly processed, thanks to the provision of bulb onion curing machines provided by IFAD through the RPSF...
As part of an inclusive package to support farmers, the project has conducted five days of effective Training of Trainers on the Gender Action Learning System (GALS), Financial Action learning system (FALS), and Nutrition sensitive education for oil palm youth...
Rice cultivation is very crucial in boosting the gross domestic product (GDP) of Sierra Leone especially when the country is a high importer of rice, a staple food that cost over $200 million annually. This is why AVDP is supporting the farmers with the necessary...