Refence No: AVDP-PMU/ICB/G/3/1/23
The purchaser now invites sealed bids from eligible entities (“bidders”) for the supply and delivery of 6,101 bushels of seed rice and 8,263 bushels of groundnut seeds . More details on these goods and related services are provided in the schedule of requirements in this bidding document.
This IFB is open to all eligible bidders who wish to respond. Subject to the restrictions noted in the bidding document, eligible entities may associate with other bidders to enhance their capacity to successfully deliver the goods and related services.
The goods and related services, and the contract expected to be awarded, are divided into the following lots:
Lot No | Description | Unit of Measure | Quantity |
1 | Supply and delivery of seed rice (Rock 34, NERICA L19 & L20 varieties) | Bushels (25kg bag) | 6,101 |
2 | Supply and delivery of groundnut seeds (Maris variety) | Bushels (25kg bag) | 4,131 |
3 | Supply and delivery of groundnut seeds (Maris variety) | Bushels (25kg bag) | 4,132 |
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