
Climate Resilient and Smart Agriculture Production

The outcome is increased volume and value of production and climate resilient production systems

Support to smallholder (family farm) rice production and productivity

  • Increase IVS rice production through irrigation (6,000 ha)
    Access to improved inputs (rice seeds, fertilisers and agrochemicals)
  • Mechanised land preparation and harvesting and FFS training methodology
  • Rotational vegetables production through Earth dams and boreholes

Support to tree crops production and productivity

  • Cultivation of 6,000 ha of new cocoa plantation.
  • Provision of climate resilient hybrid seeds and agrochemicals.
  • Cultivation of 5,000 Ha of new oil palm plantation
    Provision of advance investment costs for tree crops (seedlings including pre-nursery and nursery costs, fertilizer and agro chemicals, farm tools and equipment) to the beneficiaries that will repay over a 4-year period starting in the 4th year
  • Link farmers to private sector markets

Support to smallholder vegetable and tuber production

  • Cultivate 200 ha of improved vegetables (Irish potato, hot pepper, black pepper, onions) seeds and root tuber (cassava)
  • Processing of vegetables and tubers; Provision of fertiliser and agrochemicals.
  • Set up irrigation and mechanisation for land preparation and harvesting
  • On-farm and off-farm storage and improve processing facilities to reduce post-harvest losses

Agricultural Market Development

Outcome is an improved performance and organization of the selected value chains for the increased smallholder production and productivity

Market Access

  • Strengthened business skills by providing training and mentoring to FFS, FBOs, ABCs and SMEs (input dealers, aggregators, farm service providers, small processors)
  • Develop and operate multi stakeholder platforms: to facilitate discussion on issues of supply, market realities, pricing challenges, transportation problems, and contracting, knowledge sharing, business networking and policy dialogue

Climate resilient rural infrastructure and information systems

  • Improved access to markets, processing and storage facilities; the construction/rehabilitation of warehouses
  • Climate resilient feeder roads and farm tracks
  • Provision of water and sanitation facilities (Hand pump wells, public and individual sanitation facilities
  • Strengthening the adaptive capacity of meteorological institutions and the use of automatic weather stations (AWSs)

Project Coordination and Management

Efficient and effective project management to achieve desired results

Project coordination and management

  • PMU in Bo , regional offices in Bo, Kenema and Makeni and the District MAF staff responsible for the day-to day management
  • Setting up of a delivery unit with support from Toni Blaire Institute to meet the targets of the National Agricultural Transformation Programme 2023 and the Medium -term National Development Plan 2019-2023

Financing mechanisms for target groups (MG Facility)

Provide different financial support- matching Grant (MG) for rice and tree crops farmers; and for production, processing equipment and infrastructure (warehouses, drying facilities or solar powered generators) using RFIs with special selection criteria.